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Art Nouveau iridescent pink & yellow striped art glass sugar castor

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    Posted 5 years ago

    (949 items)

    This is the third example of this type of glass that I've obtained. It arrived yesterday from the UK, so the mail does seem to be functioning well enough at this point in time.
    As I recall, Michelle B also has an example of this attractive glass, but it's origins seem to remain obscure. I have also seen the same pink & yellow stripe decor without the iridescence, & in other forms - a lidded bowl & a squat vase, for example. I also have some glass buttons with a similar pink & yellow stripe.
    This sugar castor measures 16 cm tall, inclusive of the silver plate top, & around 5 cm across the base, which does not have a pontil mark. It appears to be made from two layers of cased glass, the pink & yellow stripe inner layer overlaid with clear glass that has an iridescent satin finish. The silverplate top fitting is simply marked EPNS - electroplated nickel silver.
    The fourth photo shows it with the other two pieces I have in the same decor - a biscuit barrel & a small lidded jar with a slot for a spoon, so perhaps intended for jam or other condiments. Interesting that they are all pieces with a "practical" use.
    Two of them were purchased in Australia, & the latest from the UK. I feel that they are probably of a Bohemian/Czech origin.
    Any useful information would be welcome. I like this decor a lot, & hope to find other pieces in the future.

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    1. welzebub welzebub, 5 years ago
      I agree that these are likely Czech/Bohemian, but the origin remains a mystery thus far.... It is great looking glass.... definitely a quality maker.
    2. IronLace IronLace, 5 years ago
      Many thanks, Craig, & yes, the quality is definitely high on these pieces. Very pleased to have found my third piece in this decor...
    3. Alan2310 Alan2310, 5 years ago
      IronLace, I just found something very much similar few week back before they shut down non essential store( donation store), if you stay online, I will post it right now.
      Nice you have kind of set here, lovely.
    4. IronLace IronLace, 5 years ago
      Thanks so much, Alan, that sounds excellent - & look forward to seeing it soon!
    5. MALKEY MALKEY, 5 years ago
      love piccys and you know i adore the pink
      all the best wishs my friend
      all the very best malkey
      1412 the omega man
      26th march 2020 year lonely planet
    6. IronLace IronLace, 5 years ago
      Thank you most kindly my good friend, MALKEY!
      Yes, I am thinking pink at the moment, such a happy, sweet, & delicious colour to bring us some much needed joy...more to come soon I promise as I have a lot of fab pink glass to share...
      Love your amazing posts, they are pure art...sending good vibes from the Mountains to you...

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