Posted 5 years ago
(907 items)
Well I never! Did Welz and Kralik really share basket moulds? The applied handles here may be different but the body shape, with the basket weave texture, is identical to a recently posted red one. Furthermore these are in a known Welz colour combination though not often found on Welz baskets.
Am I correct in believing that Butler Bros. catalogues provided sketches but didn't state manufacturers?
Beautiful Welz!!
Indeed scott! How many more times is this going to happen?
Yes, Butler rarely disclosed sources for production. I am not aware they ever disclosed the glasshouse of origin with Bohemian/Czech glass.
This is going to continue to happen for as long as a particular forum member chooses to deny valid research, and make completely unsupportable claims in this forum.
Welz is Kralik, both here and on her website of mass misinformation.
Loving the baskets & the info...please keep 'em coming! :-)
Wow Charcoal.... How long have you been researching that??
Looks like a smaller version of the "Band of Glass Thugs" is trying to make a feeble attempt at a comeback in CW. :-)
A previous quote from Charcoal in this forum. I think it goes miles to fully present the value of his opinion on the subject of Welz in general.
"F. Welz was an electrical engineer for Siemens Halske. Patents
he worked on at Siemens were utilized in the glass industry by
Kralik and possibly others in exchange for products to export.
I'll add a link to the documentation regarding that statement
later today."
Needless to say, as with every other completely ridiculous claim made over the years by members of the "Glass Thugs" in this forum, Charcoal never supplied the promised link.... ROTFLMFAO
Like the old saying goes.... There are only two things that are infinite.... the universe and stupidity.... and we are not so sure about the universe.....
And just to clarify Charcoal, she did not claim they were Welz only colors, she said the "combination of colors" were found on Welz production. I know.... hard to understand, but maybe one day....
Thank you, IronLace for the appreciation. You may well see more of my baskets.....
Thank you Craig for the original information. Your further comments may be incomprehensible to some, but not to me. That is because I have deleted two comments this morning. Both were in the nature of trouble making. I guess you missed the first due to time zones.
I did not see one of them. I only saw the one I addressed. Troublemaking is all that Charcoal does. He has not actually posted anything in this forum for over 4 years, other than mostly snide comments aimed at Welz.
Some may not realize it, but this garbage has gone on against Welz collectors, Welz research, and me personally for the last 7+ years in this forum. The term "Glass Thugs" was one coined by a forum member that got tired of watching it.
There are only a couple of die hard fools left attempting to continue the campaign of disinformation.... Pretty pathetic really.
Finally the shape of these baskets are distinctive and appear in other Welz décors, as posted by welzebub.
I called them Welz on shape, commenting on the colour only secondarily. These baskets were posted here by me two years ago, together with a different Welz basket which has a handle of the same shape.
The shape is the defining link to Welz but the smaller links also play in.
A link to other examples of this Welz basket mold, but in different decors. The pink variegated example is the same mold with a modified rim crimp.
Contrary to ridiculous claims in this forum being made by Truthordare ad Charcoal, as Peggy stated above, the determining factor is the unique shape of the basket.