Posted 5 years ago
(3478 items)
I posted the Gift Set this one came in ways back but time for a proper post for the models that came with it. I believe the set was only sold 1968-69 but it may have been sold in 1967 also.
The Y-12 1909 Thomas Flyabout was first sold in 1967 and sold through 1973 with this color scheme. It turned a pinkish red in 1974 and was sold through 1978. I think it comes back now and then. It has a plastic top that can be removed. Probably didn't matter then but the top geta brittle over time so when they get damaged. Overall I think it is attractive model.
The real Thomas was a very expensive luxury car. The most notable feature is the long hood which housed an inline 8 cylinder 786 cubic inch engine. It cost $6000 which was huge for that time.
Got three more models from this set to go.
Great detail and colors. 786 cubic inches!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Keep calm "Toy". Remember your blood pres.. Is that the orig. box ?
Thank you very much Toyrebel. Not a typo, usually that is tank engine sise.
Thank you very much bb2. Yes the original box.
Great gift set, those colors are superb!
Thank you very much Lata.