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Random cats...inspired by AnythingObscure

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    Posted 5 years ago

    (948 items)

    I too like to take photos of random cats that I see while out & about. It's often hard to get a decent photo, as they are awfully fond of moving just when you go to take a picture!
    The first one is a Tuxedo cat that I've seen a few times in the front yard of a house I walk by on one of my regular routes. How perfect (should say purr - fect) are those markings? A real cutie.
    2. Further down the same street lives this venerable & dignified old ginger & white cat, usually to be found sitting half - hidden in the undergrowth, dozing while still upright.
    3. This photo was taken a few months back. This ginger charmer is called Lenny, & he belongs to my framer. He is the resident cat at this fine local business, & is super friendly & sociable to all the folks coming & going through the door. He enjoyed a good roll around at my feet, & as you can see, deposited quite a bit of cat hair on my jeans...


    1. artfoot artfoot, 5 years ago
      Cats are great. There are a half dozen of them that live with me.
    2. IronLace IronLace, 5 years ago
      Many thanks artfoot! Six cats is quite a gang...most I've had at one time was three & that was intense as two of them didn't get along at all. Lots of stand - offs as you can imagine! :-)
      Haven't had any of my own for a while now...perhaps one day...for the time being I'm content to enjoy other folks' cats vicariously...
    3. artfoot artfoot, 5 years ago
      Yeah, six is a bunch. Fortunately they all get along reasonably well. There are four of them that live in the house and two more that are full-time semi-feral residents of the back yard. There's rarely a dull moment when they're awake.
    4. IronLace IronLace, 5 years ago
      Sounds like they've got it all worked out - & also sounds like a lot of fun to observe!
    5. EJW-54 EJW-54, 5 years ago
      When I was young I was brought up with no cats just dogs so I thought cats were bad until I realized cats were not the problem..people were! Now we have to strays that live with us in the house and there both fixed.
    6. IronLace IronLace, 5 years ago
      Many thanks, EJW-54 - & glad to hear that cats won you over in the end!
      I always had a cat around from when I was a little kid...first the landlady's cat, then I was given one that had been a stray/feral when I was about 8. That cat was partially domesticated, but still mostly preferred to live outside. Quite a few others came & went over the years, some given to me & others adopted. All very different little characters & I remember them with a lot of affection.
    7. AnythingObscure AnythingObscure, 5 years ago
      Thank you SO MUCH IronLace. :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)

      Beautiful furballs in every case, also (in your tradition) beautifully pictured.

      EJW-54, your comment here especially poignant too. artfoot, I can't imagine 6 of 'em in here with me (though I have considered a 2nd...?) but have 'cared for' up to a dozen-ish ferals at a time around the alley behind my workplace in recent years...a full (big) bag of MeowMix a week or so's worth... <giggle>

      My current Woda (right here in my lap as I type) and one other before him (she was Roxy) actually became "rescues" that did end up coming home from there to 'live their lives in comfort', and like IronLace there's nearly *always* been at least one kittycat somewhere in my life. :-)

      "UNCONDITIONAL LOVE"...ain't that what the little furballs are so adept at providing us mere Human Beings...?? ;-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)
    8. AnythingObscure AnythingObscure, 5 years ago more little bit that otherwise just punched itself thru the rest of all that other noise now raging around in my brain as I prepare to close this computer and officially 'go horizontal'...

      Anybody else remember "TRIBBLES" from the now classic old Star-Trek TV series...and ain't we all actually kinda lucky those creatures *don't* actually exist anywhere, nor that all our random kittycats that *do* exist don't 'reproduce' so quickly enough on their own...??

      Instead of trying to find/link the actual video, that Wikipedia link should get anybody that might not really remember "tribbles" enough info...??

      <LOLOLOL><HUGS><WELL WISHES> to everybody!
    9. IronLace IronLace, 5 years ago
      Hey, glad that you enjoyed the post, AnythingObscure!
      Not being a Trekkie I had not heard of Tribbles, so it was interesting to find out about them...some resemblance to the ginger cats in my post may have caused the recollection, as well, perhaps? :-)
      Apparently the issue with "entire" cats breeding out of control is getting worse with climate change. There used to be a "cat season" (I remember getting some of my cats as kittens around November - late Springtime here) but now it's "cat season" all the time due to warmer temperatures. So it's even more important for them to be desexed!
    10. Bambus1920 Bambus1920, 5 years ago
      Amazing - so lifelike!
    11. IronLace IronLace, 5 years ago
      @Bambus1920 - ?
    12. Vynil33rpm Vynil33rpm, 5 years ago
      Yep,, Me-O-WoW
    13. IronLace IronLace, 5 years ago
      Many thanks, Vynil33rpm!
    14. IronLace IronLace, 5 years ago
      MsCrystalShip, glad you're enjoying the kitties & I totally agree with the cats & feet/shoes thing.
      One of the cats I had as a kid (a stray kitten that my father brought home) slept in a slipper until he grew too big...then, another cat of my acquaintance ( a visitor to the place I lived at) was filmed attacking a rubber "flip - flop" (we call them thongs here but I realise that everywhere else that term refers to a different article entirely).
      And yet another visiting cat, a charming Brown Burmese, went straight for my shoes the first time I met her...just after her "family" moved in next door.
      And as we know, cats also enjoy laptop computers, & any item of clothing that you happen to have left on a chair, bed, etc...
    15. IronLace IronLace, 5 years ago
      keramikos - so shoes interest dogs as well...not being a dog person I was unaware, but certainly had heard of how some like to chew up shoes. The smell thing is probably the reason for the attraction for both cats & dogs, I guess. It's a world of smells for them, & they seem to especially enjoy the ones that humans find objectionable!

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