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Volkswagon Graveyard in Mass.

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Ted_Straub's loves196 of 2907Master Mfg. Co. Litchfield, Ill. Patd. Sept. 14, 1926~one quart oil bottles with carrierLast of the 40's 50's Matchbooks on display!!
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    Posted 5 years ago

    (392 items)

    Ted saw your pic of VW campers. Thought I would take some pics of VW Graveyard down the road from me!!! KEEP OUT NO TRESPASSING SIGNS EVERYWHERE!!!! VW's all over the property!!! Got these pics from across the road!
    I believe Cujoe is protecting the VW's!!!

    VW Buses
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    1969 Volkswagen Bus/Vanagon Camper Bus
    1969 Volkswagen Bus/Vanagon Camper ...
    1970 Volkswagen Bus/Vanagon Bus
    1970 Volkswagen Bus/Vanagon Bus...
    1983 Volkswagen Bus/Vanagon
    1983 Volkswagen Bus/Vanagon ...
    1978 Volkswagen Bus/Vanagon
    1978 Volkswagen Bus/Vanagon ...
    1969 Volkswagen Bus/Vanagon Camper Bus
    1969 Volkswagen Bus/Vanagon Camper ...
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    1. Watchsearcher Watchsearcher, 5 years ago
      The multi-colored one is still a testament to it’s good times, back in the day!
    2. Ted_Straub Ted_Straub, 5 years ago
      Thanks, Stuff! It looks like a great collection there...maybe you can soften the owner up for access to the property!

      This is a fine photo!
    3. Ted_Straub Ted_Straub, 5 years ago
      I should say a fine group of photos!!!!
    4. AnythingObscure AnythingObscure, 5 years ago
      Wow...what an incredible range of VW's production all parked around there, from the 60's to nearly present -- that dude must *seriously* like his VW's!! <lol> Is that a yellow Kharmann Ghia (isn't that what they called those hatchback things in the late 60's, I don't remember for sure??) on a trailer way back behind the tree at far RH of pic #3??

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