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Victorian miniature Peloton glass vase with cobalt blue threads - Harrach

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truthordare's loves523 of 2121It’s a “whatchamacallit” A great vase possibly attributed to Ruckl
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    Posted 5 years ago

    (949 items)

    Peloton glass is one of my favourite types of Victorian art glass. It's unusual, rare, & a bit mysterious. Also has texture, which is an added bonus...I love interesting textures in glass.
    This one was a fortunate find, not described as Peloton & reasonably priced. It did take a while to arrive, but that's understandable - I'm just glad it arrived at all, & that online shopping offers a virtual flea market when the real ones are closed.
    It is a diminutive piece, measuring 9.5 cm tall, 3.2 cm across the neatly cut & polished top rim, & 3.5 cm across the base, which does not have a pontil mark.
    Made from clear glass, it is relatively thick & heavy for such a small item. The applied Peloton threads are dark cobalt blue & extremely thin, like wire.
    I believe that this is an example of Harrach Peloton glass. Fourth photo shows it with two other small Peloton glass vases with the same type of expertly finished top rim & very fine threads of a single colour.

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    1. sklo42 sklo42, 5 years ago
      I love peloton glass and do admire your ability to find so many beautiful examples of it. Only a teensy bit envious :)
    2. racer4four racer4four, 5 years ago
      Love this glass style and those intense threads are fantastic!
    3. IronLace IronLace, 5 years ago
      Peggy, thanks so much & I wish you all the Peloton glass you can find! I was so lucky with this one, it actually came from the UK & was a result of a long trawl through random glass on eBay...& I can give you the details on one that is currently listed as a buy it now...a spherical, footed rose bowl with white threads...
    4. IronLace IronLace, 5 years ago
      Many thanks, Karen, it's small but packs a nice punch!
    5. kivatinitz kivatinitz, 5 years ago
      uahuh que hermosura, you know so modern

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