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more springtime 'growie/bloomie' things

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    Posted 5 years ago

    (1778 items)

    Pictured this afternoon abouts the cleanout house's yard, where Bear puppy otherwise got a fresh box of leftovers/pizza bones and a walk/drag around the block too. :-)

    First two pics are the same 'clover patch' as I showed a few wks ago here, as it appears today with its assortment of little purple and white blooms now on:

    And the other two are some or other variety of 'cactus' plants there too. All the slightly brighter green parts at the top of pic 3 are this yrs 'new growth' to it as I understand (I hope to be able to figure out how to harvest a few bits of that thing to transplant here one of these days?) and pic 4 is some other kinda cactus plant (think I did already rescue a smaller similar one of those the other day?) which has otherwise shot up a stalk full of what will no doubt in a few more days/weeks be lovely flowers of its own. The one in pic 3 is reportedly due to pop out with otherwise big bright yellow/orange flowers of its own one of these days, but maybe not for another month or so.

    Hope y'all not only enjoy, but STAY HEALTHY and SAFE!! Don't forget to 'smell the flowers' too when/if you get the chance...that never hurts anything either and AFAIK doesn't *even* contribute to the stupid virus thing, unless you're part of a group of way too many people in a public place all clustered doing so together...?? <sigh>)

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    1. billretirecoll billretirecoll, 5 years ago
      Hey Tim, I hope that you're Safe and Well, I like the 3rd photo of the Cactus, it reminds me of the Pottery Cactus Dish that I posted awhile ago, and the Clover is really looking good, with all the Blooms on them! :^D Thanks for keeping thing Springy! :^)
    2. billretirecoll billretirecoll, 5 years ago
      Here's the Cactus Dish Post:

      Thanks again for this Springy Post Tim! :^)
    3. AnythingObscure AnythingObscure, 5 years ago
      THANKS SO MUCH BILL for the kind thoughts and comments -- I'm remaining as healthy/sane as possible during this weird time in all of our lives together.

      More THANKS to Vynil33rpm, fortapache, Newfld, vetraio50, Brunswick, Watchsearcher, aura, Mrstyndall, iggy, Trey, MALKEY, Broochman, officialfuel, & Ms.CrystalShip for your <love it>s!!! :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)

      SO HAPPY y'all also enjoyed the pictures!! :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)

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