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    Posted 5 years ago

    (431 items)

    Got these in a junk lot. Inside the front lense it says paris. They still work and I am unsure of what year and what they are made of.

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    1. Watchsearcher Watchsearcher, 5 years ago
      Very nice “opera glasses”!
    2. Cokeman1959, 5 years ago
      keramikos…..that is what it says but I don't know what the significance of it would be. I got these in a big box of various things. The box of STUFF came out of California.
    3. fhrjr2 fhrjr2, 5 years ago
      Looks like mother of pearl. You can find oodles of them from Paris on eBay for $27 right on up in price.
    4. Cokeman1959, 5 years ago
      Thanks fhrjr2 for the information. I think I gave 45.00 for the entire box of assorted items. The box contained another set of glasses as well in a leather case. Neat find. I appreciate everyone for looking and loving!

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