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C. 1910 German Alarm Clock in the Form of a Pocket Watch

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    Posted 5 years ago

    (43 items)

    This is a German patented alarm clock in the form of a pocket watch, made by the company RSM (Reinhold Schnekenburger, Mühlheim, company founded in 1882).

    The first picture shows it side by side with the Omega Tissot my father left to me. The last picture shows the alarm clock in the company's catalog, as well as the RSM rose logo.

    Marked on the face with D.R.G.M (Deutsches Reichsgebrauchsmuster, meaning that the design or function of an item was officially registered inside all of the Germany states and not only locally registered as it was the case before the introduction of centralized registration) and D.R.P. (Deutsches Reichspatent, meaning the product is patented).

    It also bares the RSM rose logo which dates this to around 1910 and possibly made by Uhrenfabrik Muhlheim Muller & co who continued to use the logo till 1913 from when they took over the bankrupt Schnekenburger business in 1900.

    It is in bad shape, the dial is a mess, the nickel plating is oxidized, the clock doesn't work. I'll restore it as soon as this COVID thing ends. It has a 4, 1/2 inches dial.

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    1. mcheconi mcheconi, 5 years ago
      Thanks to
    2. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 5 years ago
      I love how you like to restore some of your items, a trait which people with a decorators eye share, it looks from the pics to be an uncommonly large size that can be a showstopper when restored !~
    3. mcheconi mcheconi, 5 years ago
      Hey Phil, how are you? Yes, I love to restore these things, to find parts, to work with different materials and techniques and above all, to research the history behind these objects. This novelty clock is very unusual. My plan is to remove the nickel plating and reveal the brass, that will be then chemically aged. A new dial and having the movement fixed will result in a nice 110 year-old decorative piece.
    4. mcheconi mcheconi, 5 years ago

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