Posted 5 years ago
(949 items)
My favourite local op shop reopened today, & I made sure to pay a visit. I hadn't been there for months so I was just thrilled to go there at last...not even expecting to make any finds, the mere fact it was open was good enough.
I was rewarded with this pretty Victorian spatter glass vase in perfect condition for just $4. What a happy little camper I was to find it!
It measures around 16.5 cm tall, 3.3 cm across the cut & polished top rim, & 6 cm across the base, which does not have a pontil mark.
The vase is made from three layers of cased glass - clear over a pastel spatter in pink & beige, with an opaque white interior.
It has two applied handles in clear glass, which have an organic, leaf - like form.
I believe that this could be an example of a "decoupage spatter" decor by Welz. The pale, translucent spatter overlaps in places, creating subtle tonal variations throughout the decor.
Yes, it's a Welz decor.
Many thanks, Wow22...yes was fairly sure, but have not seen this one in person before. The handles also looked very close to the handles on other known Welz items I have.
Beautiful Welz!
Just perfect with the pink Snap Dragons! (Is that the name of those flowers in your part of the world?)
Thanks so much, Scott!
Thanks also, Patricia...& yes, we call them Snapdragons here too...these are miniature ones which survived all through the extremely hot & dry summer & are still going strong as Autumn gets really cold...we are possibly in for some snow on Friday...
Marin, Thanks for that info. I don’t know why I’ve never planted Snapdragons but, hearing about their hardiness, I think they will find a place in my yard. Those sweet, delicate looking blossoms belie their tenacity- such a desirable quality!
IronLace, yes indeed beautiful Welz, I sold a few recently and I post one here 4 years ago, little darker, but same decor.
Great example.
My pleasure, Patricia! They come highly recommended & for similar hardiness & long flowering performance I'll also suggest Dianthus (which come in many colours) as mine have been powering away since October (our Spring) & are still going strong despite the harsh weather since then...
Much appreciated, Alan! I was so happy when I found this, my first example of this nice decor & also my first "op shop" find in a few months...