Posted 5 years ago
(3465 items)
Memorial Day weekend is normally huge for yard sales but it was pretty subdued this time. I did manage to find a few items the first of which was a book called A Day at the LBJ Ranch. It fits in because the boy and girl are Scouts the boy being a Boy Scout. OK that is pretty thin but the book was $1 so there you go. Copyright 1965 which is pretty much what I thought. LBJ was born and died at the ranch. In the meantime the kids got to meet the president and they had dinner with him.
My other item was also $1 and is a Webelos Cap from the 1980s/90s. I have the Webelos neckerchief and a complete shirt somewhere but I can't find it. I just saw that neckerchief but anyway there is the hat.
Photo #3 is a sneak peek at my other items to be posted this week.
Very interesting info about LBJ....I did not know he was born and died at the ranch.
Thank you very much Watchsearcher.