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Another Vintage Czech 12 inches Tall Bud Vase, French Language Label, Italian Style Enamel Flowers.

In Art Glass > Bohemian Art Glass > Show & Tell.
Bohemian Art Glass939 of 6906Bohemia Glass, cranberry cut to clear frosted vaseLoetz Phänomen Genre Vase, st PG 830, PN II-831, ca. 1900
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    Posted 5 years ago

    (369 items)

    Pursuing my interest in tall slim glass bud vases, from various locations, and with different fabrication. I found this one with a Label from France, the same day the exact same vase was selling without a label and identified as Murano.

    A very pretty glass vase color of teal blue, with multi sided hexagonal mold and pointed feet.

    The label can be translated as:
    mouth blown
    hand decorated
    genuine Bohemian
    made in

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    1. truthordare truthordare, 5 years ago
      thank you for the love CW members, always appreciated.
    2. Stephydelpy, 4 years ago
      Yours is the only one similar to mine...this one here is 7 ish inches.. one the bottom It's scratched in czecho slowakia.. I'm guessing that is the place it was made.
      Since no others..I'm guessing very old and rare.

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