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Loetz PG 829 (or "like" PG 829), PPN II-187

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Bohemian Art Glass934 of 6906Loetz PG 829 Rindskopf Bud Vase Fabrication from a 1915 catalog, in the Tango colors of red, with black painted enamel
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    Posted 5 years ago

    (131 items)

    When I bought this vase, I thought it was a PG 829. But something about it seemed different to me. The description of PPN II-187 includes, inter alia, the hitherto unknown "blau Phänomen Gre 8042". The combed decor on this vase is beautiful silvery blue, so it occurred to me that this vase could be blue PG 8042. After Warren's post ( I'm convinced it's the same PG. I do not know whether the designation PG 831 corresponds to reality, but according to the description of PPN II-831, this could logically be so.
    Corrections based on information from members of the Loetz Advisory Group:
    This vase is PG 829 Candia mit dunkelblau.
    So I apologize for the confusion.

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    1. Sammyz Sammyz, 5 years ago
      What a beauty!
    2. vetraio50 vetraio50, 5 years ago
    3. bohemianglassandmore bohemianglassandmore, 5 years ago
      Really a wonderful vase! Certainly good clues to follow, also.

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