Posted 5 years ago
(392 items)
Spring Loaded Cast Iron Tool??? Bottom point springs up!!! Top one Springs back up?? Both points match up?? Leather device?? Irish is it used in shoe making!!! It was in the same box as the leather pliers??
No it won't!!!! My Tongues still stuck to the post!!!!
Stuff }:(((((
When's someone going to post a Leg Lamp????
Hello, Stuff. I am going to say Eyelet Tool. Could be for setting, but I'm thinking with the 2 points, it could be used to remove an eyelet. Just $.02 worth!!
Could Be!!! Thanks for your 2 cents!!! Iptools.
Ear piercing machine?? No, probably not I suppose... ;-) ;-) ;-)
It'd prolly be better as a 'tongue piercer' these days I guess, since that's also become popular these days so many decades after pierced ears were a 'new thing'...and it is obviously way older than that current 'trend'...??? ;-)
And even at that, it'd only be able to provide the "hole" -- and not even using the correct-ish kinda hollow surgical stainless (and more than razor sharp) actual 'needle' to then allow the piercing jewelry (of whatever gauge) to be installed after the initial puncture...???
;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-)
I think this was invented before they figured out the rest of the invention. Did I just say that ?
This is a tricky tool to use, you will need an apprentice. Align the eyelet over the bottom pin using both hands. The top knob will be struck with a heavy mallet at the precise time. So, tell your apprentice ,that when you nod your head, to hit it.(-:
Looks like this would start spreading an eyelet, but doesn't give the final roll. Are the heads readily removable ?
I put up pic of pins removed from tool. They unscrew easily. I don't believe it was meant to be hit with anything??? No evidence of that!! Too delicate!!!
"Anything" your piecing idea sounds good}:))))))))?? buss2 thanks for the idea to unscrew it!!!
This still isn't coming together in my mind right for eyelets. Of course, my mind is quite accustomed to things not coming together.
With only that small pin thru the bottom rod for a stop, it's not made for much pressure to be applied. Certainly not hammered.
Thank you Iptools for pin pointing eyelets!!!! Thank you Keramikos for snaking out the whole (Christmas) Story about this Tool!!!! I grew up wearing Galoshes!!! Those snaps were a pain!!! That movie is one of my favorites!!! but "A Bronx Tale" is how I grew up in Dorchester Ma. in the 50's and 60's The bridge in the movie was the same as the border on Columbia Rd. Sad to see all that Strife is still going on now!!!! Why can't we just get along!!!
I think we are still off. The 2 points would hit before flaring an eyelet. I've used eyelet tools many times and none worked this way.
I don't know what this item is for but fairly sure its not for eyelets. Also probably not a punch because the points would only blunt each other. My guess is that the points hold something in position, perhaps allowing it to turn. What that something is or what you do to it, I don't know.
Hi Everyone!!! Thanks for all the input!!! Will leave it unsolved for now???
Maybe there were other type pins as needed that could be installed. These 2 were just the ones there now???
Ok, it looks like Eyelet Tool is not a good choice. I started thinking about the pins being in alignment. This could possibly be used as a transfer punch. Not heavy duty enough to hit with a hammer? Small diameter base? So, maybe for a jeweler/watchmaker/clockmaker? I did find a reference to an Uprighting Tool, used to transfer a mark from an existing hole, ( aligned with bottom pin) to a piece that would be used for the repair, (top pin) . The marked piece would then be taken to a Staking Tool.
Aren't WHATS-IT'S Fun!!!!! We used to have fun years ago on Sat. Nights here at the shop years ago!!!
Antique collecting friends used to bring in Stuff and try to stump us??? An early CW!!!
Sadly most are gone now!!!
Great Memories!!!
Some of us riff raff are still around. I hear that we made Hunter start talking to himself. LOL !
As Long as us Curmudgeon's keep the world on it's Toes!!! Thank you everyone for being here show to do and report!!!
lptools, I'm revising my last comment. Still don't think its an eyelet tool but looking closer at the pictures i can see that the spring holds the pin up rather than down so probably not for holding something as I thought. I think you are on the the right track with your last idea.
Irish Thanks for input!!! I will get pics of Cobbler's bench soon!!! It's buried in the barn!!!
I would be looking for watch and clock making/repair "centers" , maybe
Aside from my earlier comments, and looking at this item again, I'll throw in my thought that it could *certainly* find a number of rather common applications around a pipe organ shop, where dealing with small circles of thin leather, felt, and similar materials are frequently processed in ways that involve finding (and/or punching) their centers. Just my (more serious) 2c... ;-) :-)