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Art Nouveau iridescent threaded glass vase - Kralik Pampas?

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    Posted 5 years ago

    (949 items)

    Keeping it local has been doing wonders for my collection in recent times. This is another fab find from eBay AU, with only one other bidder in the running.
    This is an Art Nouveau era vase, made from two layers of cased glass. The inner layer is milky opalescent, overlaid by a clear layer with purple threading & intense, pinkish toned iridescence. It measures 18.5 cm tall, 6 am across the cut top rim, & 6 cm across the base, which does not have a pontil mark.
    The condition is not perfect - in fact the top rim has so many chips that it looks like it was chewed, but it bothers me not. The price was reasonable & the vase is very beautiful in person despite the issues. Perhaps I will look into having the top reground, eventually.
    I think possibly by Kralik? The overlapping vertical & horizontal threading looks like their version of the "Pampas" decor...

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    1. Watchsearcher Watchsearcher, 5 years ago
      It’s beautiful! It’s glistening coloration and netting-effect threads makes me think of some strange yet-unknown sea creature brought up in the nets.
    2. IronLace IronLace, 5 years ago
      Many thanks, Patricia! I love the organic forms of Art evocative of nature in all its diversity...
    3. carmenisacat carmenisacat, 5 years ago hear a real collector saying that a chip or two won't stop you! I'm wondering, is it expensive to restore such things? I have a piece I bought recently and thought it had tape on it...started scratching it off and voila, it was a fairly ok restoration...some kind of epoxy painted into a body scratch near the base. I was heart sick at that point but already thinking...if someone could fix it once, perhaps someone else can refix it again.
    4. IronLace IronLace, 5 years ago
      I actually don't know much about the costs involved in restoration, having not had any done's going to be an experiment I suppose...I don't mind getting an item with some issues if the price is right & the damage has been described accurately.
      I sell things as well, to fund my collection, & if anything has any damage I make sure to mention it in detail.

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