Posted 5 years ago
(5 items)
The World Book Encyclopedia Set, Made in U.S.A., Canadian Edition, 10 Volumes, 1923.
These antique book sets are wonderful things. They provide a comprehensive snapshot of a specific time, written in the language of that time. There are those who argue that it’s all available online. It is not. Little disconnected bits. Others argue that there is no need to know history at all. Oh. Perhaps recent reality on the streets of Canada and the United States and Great Britain is somewhat of a pushback of that belief ... argument. The finely-drawn black and white and colour illustrations and photographs in this set delight my eyes. The feel of this old slick paper certainly comforts my soul.
This is a between-the-wars set.
Few of such sets are to be found in antique stores in Canada now. I have been informed that many larger urban malls have contracts with overseas distributors; and these are sent to be used — unbelievable — to teach English to students in challenged countries. Is that truly so? Some antique mall venders simply do not accept them.
Those requirements on pic 4, sure eliminated every girl I've ever lived with ! As a matter of fact, none would have qualified on any two. LOL !!!! Why do I feel that I'm going to get flak now ?