Posted 5 years ago
(202 items)
I am home... a lot. I have been cleaning and finding more items. I purchased these lovely black and white cards a long time ago. It was a stack of about 100. They were taken by famous photographers, I have been able to find names. They were printed in 1983-1988 by Photo Chronicles, Ltd. in New York. I haven't been able to find the letter cards online, but I did find the original photos. I love looking at them and don't know what to do with them. I guess I will just keep looking and writing my imaginative stories. Nowadays, I think we all need mental getaways.
Thanks for the love Brunswick.
Thanks for the love fortapache, and Vynil33.
Thanks for the love Watchsearcher.
Thanks for the love Vetraio50 and Cokeman.
Have to admit, I've never seen anybody teaching dogs to lift a leg. LOL ! Must have been a New Age thing. LOL !!
You know Blunderbuss, I just took a closer look at that pic. There's a little action going on down there with the dogs. Lol