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Small Loetz Astraea Egg form vase

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philmac51's loves206 of 1530Ernst SteinwaldLoetz ribbed vase in Mercur decor, unknown PN
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    Posted 5 years ago

    (95 items)

    This is a very nice little Loetz egg vase. Astraa decor, only 3.5" tall x 2" wide! No pulled attachments. Candia foot with light pink iridization and polished pontil. I couldn't find a production number/pattern.

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    1. vetraio50 vetraio50, 5 years ago
      IT IS GORGEOUS !!!!
    2. Sammyz Sammyz, 5 years ago
      Thanks vetraio50! Glad to hear from you!
    3. Sammyz Sammyz, 5 years ago
      Thanks Broochman!

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