Posted 5 years ago
(593 items)
Just for those that like to see the Pile! After the Flea Market, and before cleaning and fixing! It was mainly Jewelry today 06/20/2020, and a few other things that I didn't post! :^D A lot of these, can be used for repair, on other Jewelry, or even be repaired, or just cleaned! :^D
Thank you for looking, all comments are always nice to get! Wear Your Masks, and Stay Well! :^)
Thanks for the love Ken, looks like I have a lot of work to do now! :^)
That chunky turquoise/etc necklace is especially FUN to me, but so's most everything else in your pics...GOOD SCORE, Bill!!!!!
Thanks Tim, today I kind of just grabbed, bunched, and paid, not much I might add! :^D It was a fun day, with a few other buys also! :^D
Thank you for the love that you gave, Kevin, Tim, and Mrstyndall, it's appreciated! :^)
Hey aura you snuck in with a love! Thank you much! :^)
These sorts of posts are so much fun. I like to take time to look at all the littlies and pick them out.
Pig brooch: me.
Thank you so much Karen, I was digging through a compartment tray and that little Pig just jumped in my hand and begged to be taken home, and it was so cute that I couldn't refuse! Oink Oink! :BD
Vynil, Brian, and Karen, much thanks to you three, for the love that you chose to give, it's appreciated! :^)
It makes me upset now that I could not make yesterday, but it makes me more determined to go next weekend - thanks for the incentive.
Hi Lori, I looked for you, but was only there a short time, but found plenty! :^D Kind of like Today! I left sooner, but still found a few nice things. I think I'll show some of those later, just to give you more incentive to go to next weekend's Flea Market! :^D
Thanks for your comment, and for the love that you gave, it's very nice of you! :^)
Thanks my #1 Mary it was a fun day! :^D I still need to check, and clean things, and see what things might need repairing, or be used for repairing other things! That Copper and Silver Bracelet is nice also! I got some nice things today too, but tomorrow is another Day, and I'm off to bed! :^D Thank you for the love that you gave! :^)
Thanks to you both Ted, and Maureen, for stopping by for a look at my Flea Market finds, and giving a love for them! :^)