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Iconic Lisbon Tram 28 (diecast - 1/87 scale)

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    Posted 5 years ago

    (83 items)

    H0 Scale reproduction of Tram 28 of Lisbon, made by Amarélis. (runs on H0 (1/87) train tracks, no motor)

    Line 28 of Lisbon's iconic trams was inaugurated in 1914, and today it has a 7km (4.5 miles) route between Martim Moniz Square and the neighborhood of Prazeres (there's also a shorter route between Graça and Estrela). It survived the rise of the automobile and of the bus by being the best way to squeeze through the narrow streets and corners of the older districts, for being an attractive tour, and for its clean energy. It's now an essential part of Lisbon's life, and the city would lose part of its soul without the constant rattling of these singular yellow "boxes."
    The 28 uses about fifty turn-of-the-century cars, built in wood, with a capacity for 20 seating and 38 standing passengers (although many more cram in).
    The average intervals between each vehicle is 15 minutes, and the entire trip takes between 40 minutes to one hour (at a maximum speed of 50km per hour), depending on the obstacles (traffic and doubled-parked cars) along the way.

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    1. Golgatha Golgatha, 5 years ago
      Looks very much like the ones in the streets of Copenhagen until sometime in the 1960s or 1970s.
    2. Dinnages, 4 years ago
      Brilliant models we came across while on holiday in Lisbon some years ago, we liked them so much we now import all three to the UK, Yellow, Red and Green.
      Looking to motorise then sometime too.
    3. Lata Lata, 3 years ago
      Thank you Dinnages! you also have some great models in the UK, i love the Dinky´s
    4. Dinnages, 3 years ago
      Those behind these models did like your comments and description too.
      Very well organised by Mr. Lata and a good simple description of the iconic Lisbon tram.
    5. Lata Lata, 3 years ago
      Thank you for the feedback!

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