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Loetz "Schaumglas" Goblet, Marie Wilfert-Waltl Design, PN II-3900, ca. 1906

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Glassie's loves145 of 1270Arnošt Steinwald a spol. (Ernst Steinwald & Co.) Teplice-Šanov Early Loetz production - "Schräg plastisch gerippt"
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    Posted 5 years ago

    (649 items)

    Marie (Marica) Waltl (b. 1876) was an artist from Prague who married a sculptor named Karl Wilfert Jr. She specialized in painting and design, and began working with the Loetz glass works in 1905, maintaining her contact with them into the 1920s. Her designs were made in very small numbers and some were designed for the firm, some were used by her in exhibitions, and she would also sell to acquaintances in the Women Artist Club in Prague (source: Loetz Series II Paper Patterns for Glass, Jitka Lnenickova). This one is production number (PN) II-3900, ca. 1906. These early versions of "Schaumglas" differ significantly from the Schaumglas produced by the glass works in the 1930s, and they don't show up often.

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    1. ozmarty ozmarty, 5 years ago
      OMG!!!! this is a beaut piece ... well found my friend !
    2. vetraio50 vetraio50, 5 years ago
      I'm with Marty !!! WOW !!!
    3. bohemianglassandmore bohemianglassandmore, 5 years ago
      I’m with you lads :)
    4. larksel larksel, 5 years ago
      Congratulations again, Warren.
    5. bohemianglassandmore bohemianglassandmore, 5 years ago
      Thanks, Ales - as soon as I saw it, I went to your site. :)
    6. larksel larksel, 5 years ago
      I wonder how many of these vase-cups were made. I don't think so much. It may be one of the DEKs listed in PPN 3900, i.e. 760 or 772, and the other is a vase in Loetz Band I Figure 318.
      It is also interesting that the last traces of Marie Walt are from Indonesia. And then there is no more information about her.
    7. kivatinitz kivatinitz, 5 years ago
      me emocionó thanks for sharing this beauty
    8. Sammyz Sammyz, 5 years ago
      I love seeing unexpected decors. This gives helps us all to find more of similar Loetz pieces that we probably have overlooked in the past. Thanks Warren!
    9. Elisabethan Elisabethan, 4 years ago
      Beautiful and it is fun that it has "rooted" itself to the table!

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