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Recent Activity11 of 133Westmoreland Milk Glass Cake Platter?Westmoreland Glass tall paneled grape vase
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    Posted 5 years ago

    (431 items)

    I bought this one with the other candy dish I posted. I paid $4.94 for it and .43 cents a piece for the fenton. There is a marking on the bottom of the candy dish but I am not familiar with it.

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    1. TallCakes TallCakes, 5 years ago
      WG for Westmoreland Glass; nice example of their nesting robin...
    2. Cokeman1959, 5 years ago
      Thanks TallCakes for the information! Much appreciated!

      Watchsearcher.....I appreciate you!
    3. carmenisacat carmenisacat, 5 years ago
      would love to see at least one photo of the entire set not lit with black light
    4. Cokeman1959, 5 years ago
      Carmenisacat.....I have updated the post with a photo of them in regular light.
    5. Cokeman1959, 5 years ago
      Thanks everyone for looking and loving!

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