Posted 5 years ago
(1778 items)
Here's another showing that's gonna need an additional post for more pics -- stay tuned!!
This "portable stereo" (I can't bring myself to call it a 'boombox', since those probably didn't really come along commonly until decades after this radio was built) was made by GRUNDIG in Germany and is no doubt of superior quality in most every respect, (including price tags?!) as GRUNDIG products were known for in general. It measures about 19" wide by 10" tall by 5" deep, made to receive both AM and FM broadcasts as well as several 'shortwave' radio bands, and indeed maybe rather unique at the time in that it could be operated on either batteries or a wall outlet/line cord. Its *only* model/maker's info is the name on its topside, pic 3. It is missing a couple of the brushed aluminum 'caps' for a few of its little pushbuttons on the front, but otherwise seems completely intact.
I do not know if it is currently functional as I've not tried to plug it in, but wouldn't be surprised in the least if it still is. Guessing (only!!) that it probably dates from the late 1950's or early 60's.
HERE'S the link to post #2 of this radio:
Wow, that should sound good, and be very technically great in that German way.