Posted 5 years ago
(1778 items)
I didn't have the slightest idea at all what this little 'tool' was until closely looking at the pics I took (esp #4) in order to actually be able to read the lettering stamped into it -- until then the only word I'd been able to make out (w/just my eyes and a magnifying glass) was "ENGLAND". Turns out I think the other words around its outer edge read "ROLLS RAZOR" (at least) which when punching that into Google promptly provided lots of pics to identify it as the handle portion of (one model of) a ROLLS "safety razor". (the d*mn thing doesn't look terribly 'safer' to me than the maybe even older 'straight razors', but whatever... <lol>)
Pic 1 shows it fully screwed together (note the little roundish protrusion opposite its 'hook' part on the LH side) and pic 2 shows it slightly unscrewed to retract that protrusion. Seemingly that held it (as a handle) to the bizness end of the thing. Pic 3 shows both parts of its handle fully unscrewed and separated, pic 4 is the best (of over a dozen attempts) to catch that elusive tiny print on the other end of its handle.
I had one!!! Came in a stainless steel case that had a wet stone on one side and a leather strop on the other side. you would pull the blade back and forth to sharpen it!!! It would flip itself in the track. Gave it to my barber as a What's It!!! It's on his counter now!!! It was the Rolls Royce of razers!!! Great Design!!!
Cool item! I agree it doesn’t look like a “safety” item ( at least by current standards anyway).