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unique ZIPPO lighter from the Villa Moderne Motor Hotel

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    Posted 5 years ago

    (1778 items)

    The story behind the VILLA MODERNE (Chicagoland area, USA) is apparently rather interesting, if not also occasionally notorious. (at least in its earlier history?) See the first link below which 'splains lots of that -- I have to think this lighter is from the "rebuilt" version of the hotel after a fire event in the early 1950's.

    This lighter is also kind of interesting, in that it is slightly smaller than any other typical ZIPPO I think I've ever seen -- measuring only 1-1/4" across, 2-1/4" tall, and 3/8" deep.

    The last and most unique thing is on its backside, where it is engraved with the cursive signature of one "Eleanor Scribner". Though I never met her in person, I actually do know sorta who she was (mostly as the mother of a dear friend who recently passed) and that she had some rather notable history of her own during her of these days I'll show off a couple more little artifacts with info on her. :-)

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