Posted 5 years ago
(906 items)
Though called Candle Lamps they could just as correctly be called Night Lights as that is/was their purpose. Out of seven, I have two that were bought complete. The others I've bought as individual pedestals or bowls in the hope that I'd one day find their other half. These two were also bought as separate pieces.
The red one is my first with a smooth bowl.
Beautiful welz!
Thanks, scott.
I always associate the ribbed bowls with these stands; I hadn't realized the small bowls on the left were also used with the stands.
Me neither, Michelle, until very recently. I came across a seller advertising two smooth bowls and two matching pedestals in the red décor you see here. Considering the rarity of the décor and the age of these candle lamps it's most likely she acquired them together. I balked at the price of the 'candlesticks'.....yes she had them photographed upside down! I did buy the small bowls however as I'd found the two pedestals elsewhere for a silly price. I already had the other bowl.
That's great to know, thank you! I still hope you'll try the floating wicks in your broken life lights; I have been reading about historic lighting, and I think they used liquid paraffin or an oil (sadly, whale oil was used a lot) in non-electric lighting.
I'd like to, Michelle, but things being what they are doubt I'll find the energy or time to source the oil and wick.