Posted 5 years ago
(1778 items)
YES, yet more Oreo pics...of all the things I've ever collected not too many are actual living creatures, but something's turning out kinda fun with also being a 'dog owner' albeit primarily a 'cat person'...?? ;-) ;-) ;-)
But anyways. These pics are the end result of Oreo officially getting her first bath out on the patio slightly before they were taken. After that happened (an entirely "interesting" not to mention "wet" experience itself, for the both of us) we went for our daily walk around the block, then relaxed out in the front yard for a little while. It didn't take her too long to try to invade my chair along with way or the other (and even though she might not have yet liked it at the time) I've gotta think she was trying to tell me "thank you for un-stinking me"...??? <LOL>
EDIT: one more (not great but whatever) pic just added of Oreo's bath in process. This was during the wetdown/soapup part, which she was decidedly uncomfortable (thus a whole handful to hold onto) with. What she didn't realize, then, was after all that (and the rinse cycle afterward) she'd ultimately get the *towel dry full body rubbins* part..
...she liked that part a WHOLE LOT... ;-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)
Great Pic.
That probably felt refreshing in this very hot weather. Be on the lookout for a kiddy wading pool to put in a shady spot- she might enjoy it. She’s so pretty, she’s got me looking out for her recreation/fun now!
It’s good to see people again, during this pandemic.
Cool Tim! :^D Yes it was always an ordeal trying to give Rex Dog a bath, but the Dry-off was worth the fuss for him, and me, in fact because of that, he'd always come into the Bathroom, "after" the Shower stopped, to get in on the Dry-off part, which meant the towel needed to be washed, every time also!
keramikos, after awhile we started bringing Rex Dog to Pet Food Express, a Pet Store that had Pet Washing Stations, and supplied towels, for a Fee. We had to drag him in, but all forgiven, because of the Dry-off, Happy Dog! :^)
your love for each other shows in the pics. Great post!
What a sweetie! (Both!) :-))