Posted 5 years ago
(3 items)
I bought this box at a thrift store. I really would love to know more about it. I have no clue other than it is real wood and very old. If someone could please help me find something on this beauty it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance
Hi Cathyt3, and welcome to CW! :^D Your Treasure Chest is a decorative piece, made to look old, or older than it is, here's a similar style one that was posted on CW, and I had posted one earlier that had the information about it:
I commented on this linked post, and more links to similar Chests are on it. I don't know the size of your chest, but by the look of the hasp, and hinges it's not very large, and might have been bought for Halloween, or at a Pirate Festival, as a Jewelry Box. I don't know where they're made, maybe India, or Pakistan, but just a guess!
It's nice looking, and great as a Treasure Chest for Children, because they're light weight. Nice Find, thanks for showing! Stay Safe, and Wear a Mask! :^)
Hi Billretirecoll, Thank you so much for responding. I was just sure I hit a one in a million item. lol It is beautiful no matter how old or new. I’m looking forward to seeing if I can find more of these. Again, thank you for respond to my posts it’s very much appreciated. Stay safe as well!
You're very welcome Cathy, I hope you enjoy CW, and show us more of your Treasures! :^D Take Care, Bill :^)