Posted 5 years ago
(3465 items)
Picked this up a couple weeks ago. It is a butterfly in a cardboard case with a glass cover. There is a ring on the back for wall mounting. No idea how old it is. It is a Riker Specimen Case. They are still being made so hard to tell how old it is but it has aged well and looks like it has half a century on it.
Now as for the butterfly it does not seem to be what it says on the back which is Apatura Seraphina. Looks a bit like a swallowtail but the color pattern is wrong. Whatever it is it is quite nice with some green coloring on the wings. It is pretty typical for butterfly size looks to be about 3" from wing tip to wing tip. Now I just need to find some wall space for it.
Hi Brian
I think these are the butterflies might be in the same family as the moths that evolve from the long brown and blue caterpillars. Called tent caterpillars here, because they make cocoons with tree leaves folded over.
They can be quite destructive in Northern Canada, appear in June and they can be in massive numbers, enough to completely ruin all the leaves of a tree in 2 days.
Thank y7ou very much truthordare. I will look that up.
Youre welcome, I always wondered what those thousands of caterpillars evolve into, are a bug specialist? Or just like to collect the mounted ones? might be way off, this is new to me, but the colors are pretty.....
We have a vibrant colored species of butterflies every spring when our hybrid lilac tree blooms, it is a mix of yellow and black, average size about 3 inches width of wings. Seems tropical Amazon butterflies grown to huge sizes.
You butterfly is documented as a parata from Peru, so I doubt it is anywhere near where I am. Seems the species do spread over a large region, but not that
called malachite:
Thank you again. It doesn't seem to look like a patata like it says on the box. I am having a hard time figuring out this one. We have a fair ammount of butterflies up here but I can never get a good photo of one.
Yay made the #1 spot for the week!
thats what you get for being a nice guy.... congratulations!