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Fenton 3028 Antique Green w Hanging Hearts & Vine Off Hand Line Fan Vase ca. 1925-26

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    Posted 5 years ago

    (58 items)

    This is a Fenton 3028 Antique Green fan vase from their Off Hand line. That line was produced for just over a year in 1925-26. The décor is Hanging Hearts Hanging Vine. The connector, applied foot, and edge treatment are done in Fenton's Royal Blue. The entire vase is lightly iridescent and it is uranium glass as shown.

    We waited a long time to find one of these and this particular one was worth the wait as this exact vase is shown in Thomas Smith's book "Fenton Rarities 1907 - 1938". The last owners of this vase prior to us were long time collectors of Fenton glass and founders of the Fenton Art Glass Collectors of America, Otis & Ferill Jeane Rice.

    8-1/2" tall

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    1. IronLace IronLace, 5 years ago
      Congratulations on acquiring this stunning piece!
      The fact it has such a fine, well - documented provenance makes it even more special...I have a couple of pieces of Victorian art glass that were featured in the book "Art Glass Nouveau" by Ray & Lee Grover, & it's a true privilege to be a part of that history...
    2. kivatinitz kivatinitz, 4 years ago
      beautiful very beautiful

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