Posted 4 years ago
(902 items)
This was a piece that I had previously posted. I was looking at jewelry patents for another piece and came across this one. It is identical to the piece I have, but mine does not have any marks on back. So, my question is if Coro ever had any unmarked pieces or is this just a really good copy?
This is so pretty- the deep olive green and the lovely bell shaped flower are gorgeous. There's also so much nice details in this- the little dangling pieces and the leaves are perfect too
Yes, Coro had unsigned pieces. Not many were unsigned, but when you can find a patent, that's the strong evidence of the design's pedigree.
Gorgeous bell flower MrsT, the round green cabs are so lovely. Possibly mark has worn off as well over time, this can happen with very old Coro pieces
Plein and Crystal seem to have diff bits of knowledge regarding whether Coro used marks often or not so often!
Thanks to everyone for your input on this piece. Like I said, I just stumbled on this patent picture and saw that it was just like mine. Either way, whether Coro or just a copy, I love this one. Online, all I could find was the patent picture, I did not see any examples of other brooches just like this one signed or otherwise. Thanks again!
Gorgeous, the one on the page looks identical!
Thanks for all the great comments and the loves!
What a piece, fantastic! Never let it go.