Posted 5 years ago
(649 items)
This is the first piece of Astglas in green that I've seen in all my years of collecting and researching. Furthermore, Creta is not listed as a ground color for this decor in any of the published pattern production notes. There is mention of this decor in orange with green handles, but I've never seen one of those either. This shape is one of a small series of shapes with coral-like handles made for the French market, ca. 1900. This one is quite large - at 14" tall, it dwarfs most of the other pieces in the cabinet!
Good score Warren! I saw that they erroneously had that listed, was it "Diaspora" or "Mimosa" decor.
It was listed as Creta Chine. I looked a little closer, and was like...'waitaminute… something is amiss here... :)
Lol, I had the same "waitaminute" moment!