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Weller vase but I need help dating it better and with artist signature

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    Posted 5 years ago

    (4 items)

    I know this is a Weller, but am trying to find out who the artist is. The artist or designer signed in a raised slip near base and I can barely make anything out. M is clear, then it looks like a capital V and end in a Y. To me it kind of looked like Viceroy but hoping somebody else had another take on it. Please help if you can. Also I know from mark it is 1900-1925, but I wondered if the artist signing in slip would solidify a better date of manufacturer. Thanks in advance.

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    1. billretirecoll billretirecoll, 5 years ago
      Hey Pindy, what Weller line were you thinking? The Shape looks like it's Eocean made 1898 through sometime between 1915-1918, but it's hard to make out the signature, M. Lybarger, was an artist for Louwelsa, but I don't know if they also worked on Eocean. I'm just getting my information from "The Collectors Encyclopedia of Weller Pottery", maybe you could search Weller Pottery Artists from 1890's-1920's, maybe you could find more and compare the signatures! Good Luck!
      Thanks for posting! :^D Please always Wear a Mask, and Social Distance, when yu are in the Public! :^)

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