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Mokey Mama Cat, and Kittens Too! Need A Cat? :^D

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    Posted 5 years ago

    (593 items)

    I don't know if Mokey is the same Mother Cat that had Kittens under our Shed earlier this year, or if she's the Gray Kitten from the Litter. She is so small she makes her Kittens look bigger than the 4" that they are. When I first saw that her, she was going after the Buffet of Birds that I had set in the Back Yard, or at least that's what She might have thought it was! Although I don't think she was ever able to catch any Birds, she was always trying, but getting thinner, but with a Belly(pregnant), so I started leaving food out for Her. Just over 2 1/2 weeks ago now the neighbor boys asked if I knew about a Gray Cat and if she was nice. They said she had a litter in their back yard, and they had the Kittens, but not the Mother, I said that She had been around the Neighborhood for awhile, but I didn't know if she was nice or not, and told them to contact the Cat Rescue in the area. Two days later I asked the Boys if they were able to get the Mother and Kittens picked up, and they said that the Mother Cat took the Kittens away, before they could contact the Rescue, and right after that is when I saw the Mother Cat back in our Back Yard, and skin and bones thin, so I started feeding her whenever she wanted, which was whenever I put food out for her, She ate it like a Labrador Dog would, swallowing hard and licking the bowl clean! :^D She's a cute Cat, every time I brought her Food she Hissed at me, and I told her No Hissing! meows only, and she went meow hhisss! Hiss is her greeting, not mad, not mean, just a Happy little Cat, that's happy to be taken care of! Peaches, is not a Happy Cat! Well yes she is! She doesn't like having another cat in Her Yard, but is staying in the house, looking out of her upstairs Window, over her Domain! :^D

    Thank you for looking, all comments are welcome! I couldn't get Mokey, or the Kittens to wear Masks, but please Wear Your Mask and Keep Social Distance! :^)

    photo #4 Peaches Attitude about Mokey, and Kittens! :^D

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    1. billretirecoll billretirecoll, 5 years ago
      Hi MALKEY, thank you for the love that you brought! I for got to mention that there's 5 Kittens, and all of them are lookin for love! :^D Be Safe, and Wear a Mask! :^)
    2. Newfld Newfld, 5 years ago
      Adorable baby kittens Bill, though Mama's eyes are very protective. Love that little B&W one in last photo!
    3. Watchsearcher Watchsearcher, 5 years ago
      She will just keep reproducing even to the detriment of her own health....poor girl! She needs some birth control help!
      Our vets where I live will lend a cat trap so you can take cats in to be spayed or neutered to stop this cycle.

      My sister and I trapped feral cats at my parents’ house when we realized we were seeing the second generation. The vet would make a small notch in one of their ears so we could tell at a glance which cats he had already “fixed”.

      Cats are so pitiful when they have nothing and no one yet they keep having to reproduce.

      The cats I’m referring to would do that same hissing defensively and scattering/hiding when the food came out even tho they had just been begging at the screen door. They were too leary of people to let anyone get anywhere near them but they would cautiously creep out to eat once we went back inside.

      Maybe you could get a special discount or group discount to get the all “fixed”.
    4. billretirecoll billretirecoll, 5 years ago
      I'll try and catch you all with a shorter note the internet just went down when I was answering Jenni's comment, and lost it! So yes they're adorable Jenni! :^D
      Patricia, I am going to have the Cat Rescue, get these cute Cats from us, and I will pay to have them fixed, it's a cheaper rate, but they also get all shots, and health check, before up to adopt! :^D
      My #1 Mary, Mokey is a very nice cat to me, and I pet Her and Her Kittens when ever I see them so I think that I won't have any trouble getting them to the Rescue! My Son and His Wife were on Santa Barbara Beach a few times now and love that Hot is 85 there, compared to the 107+ in Austin! :^D Wish you could have met them, when you were there, kind of a Meet Between! :^D

      Thank you all for the love that you gave, sorry for the short version, of reply's, Jenni, Thomas, Patricia, and my #1 Mary, it's appreciated! :^D Always Stay Safe, wear a Mask and Social Distance! :^)
    5. kwqd kwqd, 5 years ago
      Nice pictures. Thanks for sharing. I worked with a TNR (Trap, Neuter, Release) for over ten years as a volunteer and still snag and fix ferals when I see them. Good that you seem to be socializing the kittens as the future is bleak for feral kittens. Getting the Mom fixed and the kittens adopted is the best course of action, if possible. Peaches might appreciate a pal if you get her acquainted with Mokey in the right way. As long as she knows she is not competing for food, attention, etc., they usually learn to co-exist. Cats are social so I've never had just one cat, always several.
    6. billretirecoll billretirecoll, 5 years ago
      Thanks Kevin, Peaches is a Dog loving Cat, and has never learned to like Cats, just tolerates them walking through the yard and will normally give them EURWAUL, and give her Bull Dog Stance, silly for a little Cat but most Animals that see or hear Her will move along quickly! :^D She was raised with Rex Dog, and thought She was Bigger and Bader than He was, again even though she's just a little Cat! :^D
    7. billretirecoll billretirecoll, 5 years ago
      Thanks for the love aura, and Kevin I'll give you the benefit, of a doubt, that you love it too! :^D Take Care, and Wear a Mask, and We'll all be Safer! :^)
    8. billretirecoll billretirecoll, 5 years ago
      Kevin(vetraio), thank you for the love, it's appreciated! :^D Please keep a Mask over your Mouth, and Nose, when out in Public is the way it goes! Let's Stop the Spread of COVID-19! :^)
    9. AnythingObscure AnythingObscure, 5 years ago
      They are all ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE Bill -- thank you on behalf of kitty lovers everywhere for doing whatever you can to help Mokey and her little brood out.

      My own housebeast Woda might have started his life similarly...the smallest of a likewise smallest feral momma cat from the alley behind the shop in the 'hood, most of which (and many more that spring) eventually just simply stopped showing up for their morning plate of kitty chow... :-(
    10. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 5 years ago
      They make nice targets. They don't eat mosquitoes, but kill the birds & lizards(for fun)that do. You've probably guessed that I don't care for cats by now.
    11. billretirecoll billretirecoll, 5 years ago
      Thanks Tim! :^D I feed Mokey 3 times a day 5am-ish, 1:30pm-ish, and 7pm-ish, and she's finally keeping up with what Her 5 Kittens are taking from her, and I think no longer traveling the Neighborhood for front porch snacks! :^D The Cat Rescue hasn't gotten back yet, and because I'm feeding Mokey, maybe they'll leave it at that until they're a little older, I just don't want her to get pregnant, before they come to get Her, or She moves Her Litter... although I think She's very Happy right now, and Peaches is giving Her room!

      Yeah! bb2 was here! :^D I used to feel that way about Cats too, but things change, even a Rex Dog, can teach me about caring for a Peaches Cat, and besides Peaches loves snacking on mosquitoes, moths, and spiders, and loves to watch Birds and has long conversations with the Turkeys! :^D

      Thank you for the love, Tim, Ralph, freiheit, Brian, MarmorealMaiden, and Charlie, it's appreciated! :^D Let's think about how we can help slow the Spread of COVID-19? Wear a Mask, and Social Distance! Hmm That's Easy! :^)
    12. billretirecoll billretirecoll, 5 years ago
      Thank you for the love Kevin(kwqd), and Pascale too, it's always nice to get! :^D Please Take Care, and always Wear a Mask, when you're out and about! :^)
    13. billretirecoll billretirecoll, 5 years ago
      Well Mokey moved her Kittens, early this Morning, but left the Dark Gray one to greet me when I brought her Food, I called, and the Kitten Meowed, from behind me and nearly jumped into my Hands! :^D After a while Mokey showed up, ate her Food, finished, and came over to me and the Kitten, rubbed against my pant legs, and Hissed! Walked away turned and Hissed again, I put the Kitten down, Mokey Walked Hissing and turning more worried to make sure that I was following, than her Kitten! She stopped at the front gate, Hissed and went under, I opened the Gate Kitten following me, and Mokey stopped at the other side of our small Deck, hissed, and went under, came back up, looked at me and ducted down again, so I picked up the Kitten and set it down where Mokey had gone under, and the Kitten jumped back up on the Deck and Meowed at me, I put it back down and walked away! They're all there now 4hours later and Mokey keeps Checking on my Wife, as she waters in the Back Yard! :^D Be Safe, and Wash your Hands often, before, and after, you take off your Mask! :^)
    14. AnythingObscure AnythingObscure, 5 years ago
      Sounds an awful lot like you've been officially "adopted" by Mokey (& her family) Bill...her 'hissy' habit seems to be just one more weird (charming, even?) way that kitties use to otherwise 'talk' to their humans...??

      I'd even bet that Peaches won't take all that long to get used to the idea of one (or 5?) more little ones to watch out her window...? <lol>

      ;-) ;-) ;-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)
    15. billretirecoll billretirecoll, 5 years ago
      We'll see Tim as of 30mins ago when I went out to feed Mokey, no sign of any of them! The Deck that she took them is not as Safe, or as Cool as under the Shed in the Back, it's another Hot day here 10th over 100, and the Deck is in direct Sun, only insulation is the 2x6 redwood decking, and shaded dirt under, She might have moved them again, I kinda hope she did! :^I
      Wear your Mask, every time that you go out! :^)
    16. billretirecoll billretirecoll, 5 years ago
      Hi Leah, thank you for the love! :^D About an hour ago Mokey came out from under the deck, and ate some food and took a break, no Kittens came out, but probably sleeping until it cools a little! :^D Take Care, and Wear a Mask, lets all try to put COVID-19 behind us! :^)
    17. billretirecoll billretirecoll, 5 years ago
      Hi Rose, it's always nice to have you stop by with a love, thank you! :^D It seems Mokey has moved her Kittens again, and again she tried to show where she took them, but it's 2 houses away and over the fence. She came back for food yesterday Afternoon, but I didn't see her yet today Friday 8/21 at 9am! Take Care, Wear a Mask, and Take Care of Others too! :^)
    18. Ted_Straub Ted_Straub, 5 years ago
      I love cats!!!!
    19. billretirecoll billretirecoll, 5 years ago
      Hey Ted, thanks for your Comment, and the love that you gave! I just got a call from the Cat Rescue, and it looks like they've got a Foster Care lined up for Mokey, and the Kittens, so hopefully that can happen! :^D They may get Mokey Spayed, and release her back in our neighborhood, but the Kittens will be Adopted out when they're old enough! Stay Safe, Wear a Mask, and help others to Stay Safe too! :^)
    20. iggy iggy, 5 years ago
      I love cats also!
    21. AnythingObscure AnythingObscure, 5 years ago
      :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)
    22. billretirecoll billretirecoll, 4 years ago
      Thanks for the love hotairfan, and Essince! :^D
      If you Wear a Mask that's good, and better stay 6' apart to help stop the spread of COVID-19! :^)

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