Posted 5 years ago
(1207 items)
Carnival glass piggy bank by Anchor Hocking Glass Company 4” long x 2.5” wide and 3” high. Thrift shop find today. I was surprised that I didn't find one of these on CW already. I think this dates from the 1970s and was also made in amber, crystal and ? AH also made Snoopy, Liberty Bell, Mickey and Minney Mouse, Garfield the Cat and other shapes and sizes. Still easy to find all of these on on line auction sites and occasionally in thrift shops.
Pretty cool. I have a small collection of pig shaped banks including cast iron brass and leather. But I don't have a glass one so I may have to add one. I also have a small collection of other type Banks.
Thanks for your comment dav2no1! I have a few glass banks, but this is my only pig shaped piggy bank. You can find a good deal on one of these on ebay. Are you going to be posting some of your banks to CW?
Thanks for loving my oinker bank iggy, Thomas, Karen, Kevin, MALKEY, Jenni, dav2no1 and fortapache!
I had one of those piggy banks when I was a child!! I recall trying to get coins back out of the slot but, from experience, I can tell you it’s futile.
Thanks for the memories, kwqd. >sigh <
LOL, Watchsearcher. A "minor" design flaw! I think some pottery banks were designed so that you just broke them when you needed the coins, but with glass that would probably be too dangerous. Thanks for sharing your memories!
Please don’t break the bank ,
Ok, I had to make 3 posts to get all the pictures. 2 are leather banks and 1 post shows my cast iron and brass banks.
Yikes! No plug to get my money....I would be too stressed to put a coin in piggy :)
Good posts dav2no1!
Yeah, mine is a looker, not a user, Hoot60.
Thanks for loving Mr. Pig Hoot60 and blunderbuss2!
Thanks, Eileen! Could be, but I just came across these recently so don't know any history of them. Lots of American glass houses of the 1930s-80s sold their wares to various venues. Some of the milk glass which started my glass collecting came from family member who traded Green Stamps for them at gas stations and supermarkets.
History of the piggy bank:
kwqd, that’s very interesting history regarding clay and the word “pygg” (pronounced pug).....years ago in a college pottery class, we used a machine called a pug mill to thoroughly mix clay for a smooth that explains where the name for the pug mill comes from.
Glad you found the information useful, Watchsearcher!
Thanks PhilDMorris!
Thanks for the hawg love Theonlyone!
I see these from time to time never new who made them ...thanks for the post..
You are welcome.
Thanks vcal!