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PHILCO model 46-1213 radio/phonograph - post #1

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Philco Radios10 of 69PHILCO model 46-1213 radio/phonograph - post #2Radio part 2
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    Posted 4 years ago

    (1778 items)

    Against my own usual rules for showing stuff here, this item DOES NOT belong to me. (though I wish it did?!) There will be a 2nd post following shortly with more pics of its internals, because we can only include 4 pics per post. I also have not researched it for any further detail to share here about its particulars of age/etc.

    OTHERWISE, a couple weekends ago, I was a guest at a smallish (mostly properly socially-distanced, yada yada) gathering of friends and family for a lovely (and delicious!) barbecue dinner gathering at a local rental ('air bnb' sorta thing, or however people do that stuff these days) historic house, where this unit seemingly now serves as just one more piece of set-dressing furniture sitting in the dining room bay window. After walking back and forth by it for half the afternoon trying to keep telling myself "don't touch that", I finally couldn't resist the urge to actually open its doors (etc., then to pull it slightly away from the wall for the pics that'll come in the next post) with my phonecam in order to "touch it" anyways... ;-) :-)

    Near as I can tell the thing is in basically 100% original condition, whether it actually remains operational or not. (which I'd further guess is kind of an unlikely proposition, and I *certainly* wasn't gonna plug its cord into a wall socket to try to find out??!! <nonono>) There's little doubt in my mind this would be a prime candidate for a full and proper restoration, but it ain't mine nor my decision to make in that regard...

    These pics show its cabinet and turntable/radio dial/control knobs behind its front doors.

    And as a nearly immediate 'edit', please see v.2 of pics of the same machine just now posted here:

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