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Loetz vase in Hyacinth with silver/blue leaves, ca 1902?

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LauraH's loves21 of 267AR1 new unnamed mushroomLoetz PN-II 5042 in Candia Wellenoptisch mit silberhenckel ca 1907
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    Posted 4 years ago

    (95 items)

    Here's a cute little Loetz vase. Possibly PN II-2/601 unknown PG but likely made around 1902. It is Hyacinth base glass with volcano threads pinched up and down, 3 dimples and 3 leaves in dark blue and silver. Signed Loetz Austria! It is 3.25" x 3".

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    1. Michelleb007 Michelleb007, 4 years ago
      What an amazing piece!! I love the pink and blue together. I don't think I would have realized it was Loetz at first. It's gorgeous, Sammyz!
    2. Sammyz Sammyz, 4 years ago
      Thanks Michelle! Glad to hear from you!
    3. Sammyz Sammyz, 4 years ago
      Thanks fortapache! Glad you like the vase. I had to chuckle at your profile, that you live in Twin Peaks. I live in South Park, yes, THAT South Park.
    4. vetraio50 vetraio50, 4 years ago
      A real Beaut !!!
    5. LauraH LauraH, 4 years ago
      Another wonderful piece!
    6. Sammyz Sammyz, 4 years ago
      Thanks vetraio! You got that right!!!
    7. Sammyz Sammyz, 4 years ago
      Thanks LauraH! Good to hear from you!
    8. LoetzDance LoetzDance, 4 years ago
      Love it! Great example. Congratulations.
    9. inky inky, 4 years ago
      So very beautiful!!..
    10. Sammyz Sammyz, 4 years ago
      Thanks inky. Sadly it was only in my possession for a few days before someone asked to buy it...:(
    11. Wow22, 4 years ago
      And you relinquished this beauty??
    12. Sammyz Sammyz, 4 years ago
      I know, I could just kick myself.
    13. Sammyz Sammyz, 4 years ago
      Thanks Jerryboy!
    14. Manikin Manikin, 4 years ago
      Stunning !
    15. Glassfever Glassfever, 3 years ago
      Stunning! Love that color combination!
    16. Sammyz Sammyz, 3 years ago
      Thanks so much Glassfever!

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