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6 Months Pass Spring Into Fall With Peaches! :^D

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    Posted 4 years ago

    (593 items)

    Six months has past since my Fall Into Spring post, we all had to stay at home until the COVID-19 Pandemic had passed, and today September 15th 2020, two days shy of the March 17th 2020 Stay At Home Order things have changed, we're all trying to get back to Normal, whatever that may be, but COVID-19 is still with us all, and here in California, Lightning Strike Fires and others have been Burning for a month, and Spare The Air Days have been with us for 29 days now because of all the Smoke and Ash in the Air, so going outside are for short times only until the air Clears! It's time to get a new Pumpkin, this past week has taken it's toll on the one that we had for Halloween 2019, and the small new growth on the Grapevine, has covered the front of our House, and the leaves are falling to the ground. The variegated leaf Geranium no longer has its flowers, and Peaches is 6 months older! :^D I hope that with every ones help when Fall into Spring again, COVID-19 will be behind Us All! Take Care, Wear a Mask, and Stay Safe! :^D

    Thank you for looking, all comments are welcome! :^)

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    1. billretirecoll billretirecoll, 4 years ago
      Here's a link to Fall Into Spring With Peaches:

      Thank you for looking! :^D
    2. billretirecoll billretirecoll, 4 years ago
      Thanks for the love that you gave Thomas! :^D
      We all know Wear a Mask and Social Distance, to help stop the Spread of COVID-19, just do it! :^)
    3. fortapache fortapache, 4 years ago
      Our local fire here is the El Dorado fire aka the Gender Reveal party fire. Plenty of smoke and sepia tone sunlight.
    4. billretirecoll billretirecoll, 4 years ago
      Take Care Brian, and Stay Safe, the air may start to get a little better around here, but what we really need is some RAIN without Lightning! Thank you for your Comment/update, and the love that you gave! :^D
      I know that you wear a Mask, remind others to do their part to help stop the suread of COVID-19! :^)
    5. billretirecoll billretirecoll, 4 years ago
      Thank you for the loves given ,Patricia, Essince, and Kevin, it's always nice to get! :^D Wouldn't be nice if the spread of COVID-19, was Stopped because everyone wore a mask and Social distanced, we all need to help! :^)
    6. billretirecoll billretirecoll, 4 years ago
      Hi Pascale, thank you for the love, I hope that you're feeling good! :^D
      Stay well and help to stop the spread of COVID-19, by wearing a Mask, and Social Distancing in public! :^)
    7. AnythingObscure AnythingObscure, 4 years ago
      Peaches sure looks healthy, happy, and content (also well-fed!) despite covid, wildfires, hurricanes, or any of the rest of the general 'trauma' that 2020 has presented us all (and still does) with. Dunno about any of the rest of y'all, but I'm ready for 2020 to be GONE, just in the (remote?) hope that 2021 might somehow return to something more "normal" for ALL OF US still on Planet Earth...???

      That pumpkin,'s been there since halloween *last year*?? Yeesh...that's gonna take a shovel to get to anywhere else... (trash can, compost bin, or whatever) <LOL>

      Thanks Bill for yet one more post that brightened my own day here. <with all appropriate socially distanced hugs, elbow bumps, or whatever...>

      :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)
    8. billretirecoll billretirecoll, 4 years ago
      Hey Tim, I know Peaches looks like a Plump xxxxx I mean Cat! :^D Her skin is very loose, she just took on the Bull Dog attitude, growing up with Rex and just looks Big when she lays down! :^D We do that every year, kind of extending Halloween, 2 weeks ago it looked whole but the 100+ temps that we had took a toll on it! 2018's Pumpkin is under there somewhere, the bugs and worms just turn them back into the soil, sometimes a Pumpkin plant comes up in spring, but doesn't make it beyond a seedling, when the birds see it! :^D Thank you for the love too! :^D We will get through this COVID-19 pandemic, wearing a Mask is just the easy part! :^)
    9. billretirecoll billretirecoll, 4 years ago
      Thanks for the love aura! :^D We just bought another Pumpkin and I put it in front of the mush that was left of last Halloween's Pumpkin! :^D
      Thank you all for Wearing Mask to help stop the Spread of COVID-19! :^)
    10. iggy iggy, 4 years ago
      Thanx Bill and glad you's are all ok. I have a brother who lives in Tacoma Wash. A little ways away from the Oregon fires. I agree about wearing a mask also! A very simple thing to do.

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