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'ya find the strangest things in old church basements sometimes... (#1)

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    Posted 4 years ago

    (1778 items)

    In this case, this place locally where I ran a service call the other day, and the Pastor was kind enough to allow me to go down there. (for no other particular reason than to take these pics),_Arkansas)

    This old (1940's??) car door has been leaning up against that wall down there for roughly 2 decades at least, since the last time I was in that basement when we were installing the then-new pipe organ in the church upstairs. (circuit breaker panels/etc also down there) It is highly likely that it'd been there already for a few more decades since then when I first noticed it -- 1st 3 pics here are as it sat unmoved (to the best of my knowledge) for most of that time, I turned it around for the last pic to show its inside.

    Anybody recognize it?? It's kinda a greenish color I think, door panels inside are tan/brown, looks like it was probably the back driver's side door from a 4 door sedan. (?)


    1. dav2no1 dav2no1, 4 years ago
      First thought was a 50's Kaiser. I think that's close but not quite it.
    2. dav2no1 dav2no1, 4 years ago
      The trim package and the window shape look like 1950 Buick Roadmaster. They made different trim packages. The door looks like the one that has the post just behind the back door.
    3. fortapache fortapache, 4 years ago
      Also going with early 1950s. I know a place that sells old car doors for $129 each. These are a bit more ornate.

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