Posted 4 years ago
(843 items)
Fire Alarm Call/Pull Box
Inspired after seeing a pull box posted by a another member, I decided to post some of my fire collection. I even decided I would finally make a stand for the one box. It was on the list of things to do
A fire alarm box, fire alarm call box, or fire alarm pull box is a device used for notifying a fire department of a fire.
The first telegraph fire alarm system was developed by William Francis Channing and Moses G. Farmer in Boston, Massachusetts in 1852.
I LOVE it!
I like the one that says,"Pull Down and Let Go". Like you're going to stand around holding it while you burn ?
Haha... it's the same reason my alcohol cleaning swabs for my safety glasses say "Not for use on contacts"!
I actually opened the case up and got the handle to return to the top position. It's quite the contraption inside, with lots of gears and ratchets. It's very interesting how the mechanism works. I believe they must put some sort of wrench on the adapter in the front to return the handle.