Posted 5 years ago
(3485 items)
Another from my rather successful trip to the Long Beach flea market. This is a Turkish made version of the M5A1 bayonet which was the Korean War version of the bayonet for the M1 Garand. The most noticeable difference is the aluminum hand grip instead of the plastic grip on the American version. There are no markings on it that I have seen, none on the scabbard either. The Scabbard also has no markings which is the M8 bayonet.
The blade on this was first used for the M1 Carbine in WWII and I believe it is still used for the M16. OK maybe not but I know it was used for the M16 for decades. The handguard is different for the various rifles but the blade shape has stayed the same. It does seem to be a sensible design for a bayonet with its spear point. It is 6 1/2" long which is enough to be lethal but not too bulky. The basic use of a bayonet is to be a knife/tool. Rarely used on the end of a rifle and usually used for mundane tasks.
No back to Turkey, my father fought in the Korean War and there was a Turkish unit near his. He said the North Koreans wanted nothing to do with the Turks. The Turks were a rough bunch and did not play fair.
Nice knives in great story. I've been inspired by others postings lately. Maybe I'll dig out a couple of my bayonets.
Thank you very much dav2no1. I would be happy to see them.
Do you have to register and get State permission to own these yet in CA ?