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Japanese jar

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Japanese Pottery271 of 1384Japanese pottery incense burnerSeto yaki persimmon themed vase
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    Posted 4 years ago

    (247 items)

    So I am given a lot of stuff, most of which goes in a bin until I'm ready to sort it out and either sell or donate. The things I keep are usually like this, something that's unusual. I have a few pieces like this one that I call "felt marker" because they all look they've been scribbled on with a black marker. This jar is hand painted, overlaid with very light colored and gold moriage accenting, the black marker bits which I presume are enamel on the body, rim of the lid, and the base, but the most interesting to me since I've never seen this before is the cobalt blue jellyfish filling in the white space. They are not stamped on there, there are tiny variations which make me think these were all handpainted too. Unmarked, as you can see the base is blank. A small amount of wear. Any help identifying the vase appreciated, and I hope you enjoy looking at this jar. Thank you, hope everyone is well!

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    1. Newfld Newfld, 4 years ago
      Beautiful jar, love the colorful design
    2. Watchsearcher Watchsearcher, 4 years ago
      I immediately thought of jellyfish also.
      I couldn’t think of the name of a large mass of jellyfish....a swarm? a collection?, a school?
      I had to look that’s called a “bloom” nice given your jar is also decorated with blooms!
      I learned something new...thanks for posting!
    3. katherinescollections katherinescollections, 4 years ago
      Thanks, Newfld, it is a colorful design, I like colorful things. :)

      Thanks, Watchsearcher, well I learned something new, too, a bloom of jellyfish, I guess that makes sense since they do look like blooming flowers. I don't actually know what those are on the jar, but they sort of looked like jellyfish so I went with that, lol. :)

      Thanks for the love, kwqd, Newfld, Wastchsearcher.
    4. katherinescollections katherinescollections, 4 years ago
      Thanks for the love, fortapache, Brunswick, and aura! :)
    5. racer4four racer4four, 4 years ago
      In the bin? It’s probably a translation error because here in Aus we all a trash can the bin :)
      I like this too. I like that some of the painting has been air brushed on and the background jellyfish are weirdly good.
    6. katherinescollections katherinescollections, 4 years ago
      Thanks for the love, vetraio50, and kyratango.

      R44, you know very well American don't speak English, lol! :))

      I have this grey plastic storage bin that I toss the odd bits and ends into until it overflows and then I dig each piece out and take a closer look at it to see if I can figure out what it is and whether it's a keeper. I love this jar, the shape, the decor, the odd little jellyfish - and I think those are opium pods on there!
    7. katherinescollections katherinescollections, 4 years ago
      apostata, what is your opinion of this jar, please?
    8. apostata apostata, 3 years ago
      i saw this this just today, let,s say it is generic and it is new, i have no opinion , because i possible could have different standards, and i am not part of cheering session

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