Posted 4 years ago
(845 items)
Oilers and Pistol Grip Oilers
I bought a small lot of Oilers yesterday, 6 smaller cans and the 2 larger cans. The 2 small silver cans and the plastic bottle Oiler belonged to my father and came out of the workshop. As did the 2 PLEWS pistol grip oilers.
The small Oiler with the red paint is an Eagle Oiler. Someone put a crappy red paint job on it, luckily it peeled off pretty easy. Needs a little more work.
The PLEWS Oilers are very well made. You can see there's a pickup with a screen.
Plews Oiler / Hydraulic Oil Can Pistol Grip Made in the USA.
The one is really nice and has the original label on it.
"The squeaky wheel doesn't always get oil, sometimes it gets replaced"
I was cleaning out my dad’s shed, using a magnet to pick up nails and screws from the dirt floor around his work bench. The magnet picked up a pretty little oiler such as in your first picture.
It had been totally hidden in the dirt.
It was either thinly clad in copper or was just painted to look like copper....whichever, the copper is mostly gone.
The spout has a couple of tiny angles which just add to its character.
No markings at all. The receptacle measures about 1.75 “ in diameter and the entire thing measures almost 5” tall.
It’s a tiny treasure to me since it belonged to my dad and possibly, to my granddad.
Cool..good find!