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1864 General Grant's Campaign in Virginia

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    Posted 4 years ago

    (845 items)

    General Grant's Campaign in Virginia

    16" x 22 1/2"

    This is a newspaper publishing of a line engraving of General Grant's campaign in Virginia. I paid more than $6 for it. I think I paid $10?

    When I bought it, I thought it was just a cool copy. Turns out it's a centerfold from Harper's Weekly July 9th 1864. I realized this when I bought it and I held it up to the light and could see printing on the other side.

    So take a minute to realize that this was published just after all those battles ended.

    The Overland Campaign, also known as Grant's Overland Campaign and the Wilderness Campaign, was a series of battles fought in Virginia during May and June 1864, in the American Civil War.

    On June 12, Grant's forces crossed the James River to Petersburg, where a nine-month siege ensued. The six-week Overland Campaign had ended, leaving behind numbing losses: the dead, missing, and wounded totaled 55,000 for the Union and 33,000 for the Confederacy.

    The Overland Campaign lasted almost two months, from May 4, 1864 – June 24, 1864. Q: How many battles were fought in the Overland Campaign? There were approximately 14 major battles fought in the Overland Campaign, with small skirmishes and raids also taking place.

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