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Pair Victorian opalescent art glass vases with applied flowers

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    Posted 4 years ago

    (949 items)

    I've had this pair of Victorian glass vases for several years, but had not posted them here as a pair...I've posted only one previously. They used to live in two separate residences & are now reunited.
    They are made from milky opalescent glass with a swirling ribbed pattern. The vases shade to green at their elaborately crimped, JIP style top rims, & feature applied decoration of yellow daisy flowers. As can be seen, one of the daisies has a longer stem than the other, & even though the vases are a pair, there are slight differences in dimensions. The subtle joys of hand - crafted glass!
    The vase with the longer stemmed daisy measures 22.3 cm tall, 8.3 cm across the base, & 9.3 cm across the top rim.
    The vase with the shorter stemmed daisy measures 21 cm tall, 8.5 cm across the base, & 9.5 cm across the top rim.
    Purchased at the Wentworth Park antiques fair (oh how I long for the happy day when it year I hope).
    Most likely Bohemian origin.

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    1. racer4four racer4four, 4 years ago
      I love daisies, a simple flower of joy, and it's so nice to see them on this glass.
      Makes it more appealing for me to have a daisy on fancy glass.
    2. IronLace IronLace, 4 years ago
      Many thanks, Karen! Yes, it's a bit different to see daisies on glass like this...I actually had another Victorian vase with a daisy on it but silly old me sold it during the great de - accessioning of a few years ago. Haven't seen another like it...

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