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Three Kralik Floriform

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Bohemian Art Glass533 of 6681c1900 Carl Goldberg Ruby Glass Vase.Extra large Bohemian Vase
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    Posted 4 years ago

    (98 items)

    Very appealing Kralik floriform. The colours are exemplary. Which one is my favourite? - I don't care as I like them equally! The green one came to me with an unexpected gift in shape of a small rusty tack which had lodged itself at the very bottom. I had to go on a fishing expedition with a thin wire to get it out. I suspect this has happened a lot because of their wide open mouths. I've heard of a fly-catcher, but a tack-catcher? Approx. 16 cms in height.

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    1. IronLace IronLace, 4 years ago
      So much variety in these floriforms, the yellow & white one with the double calla lily shape is one I don't think I've seen before. I have a pink & green crimped one very similar to yours. They certainly tempt a collector into seeking out all the possible shapes & colours available...
    2. Russell117, 4 years ago
      IronLace, thank you for your comment. There are many, many varieties of this classic glass design. I've Googled 'Kralik Floriform' and there are hundreds of mouth-watering images to examine. Hats off to the Bohemian glass designers. Could contemporary designers match their feats? I don't think so.
    3. racer4four racer4four, 4 years ago
      Heavenly glass Russell.
      Keep being gobsmacked by your collection.
    4. Michelleb007 Michelleb007, 4 years ago
      Beautiful soft colors! I have examples of two of these forms, but not the yellow one. That one is quite different! Thanks for sharing these!
    5. Russell117, 4 years ago
      Thanks, racer4four for both your love and comment. I love, like many other glass collectors, the shapes and colours created by this maker. Pastel shades in pinks and greens are my favourites - especially with a generous amount of opalescence. Whenever I see an example of floriform, I imagine it sitting in or on my glass cabinet.
    6. Russell117, 4 years ago
      Michelleb007, Thank you for your generous comment. Aren't they pleasing to the eye? I am lucky to have these three and one other I posted earlier, which is bigger and has vaseline cranberry opalescence. They are truly fascinating glass creations. I hope I can get a few more pieces to add to my collection, as no doubt, you will also be contemplating. Best of luck in your search for floriform!
    7. sklo42 sklo42, 4 years ago
      I have the yellow one and the opalescent one. I just wonder if you live in the UK as we both have other pieces that are identical.......
    8. Russell117, 4 years ago
      sklo42, I live in Australia but many of the items that I've posted are mostly from the U.K. and America. You will see the same items come up fairly regularly because the glass workers made the same item in long production runs, with of course, slight variations due to the hand blown nature of the article. Thanks for your question.

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