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The noisy collection

All items30943 of 245724The  Irish boys Ant traps
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    Posted 4 years ago

    (7 items)

    I'm not a typical doesn't have to make sense or be linked in order to sit in the same space. Sometimes it is just lots of faces in a crowd or hands grabbing at t-pots and tarot cards. Its just a noisy collection but I don't really like the quiet ones that sit demure with hands folded afraid to be touched.


    1. Golgatha Golgatha, 4 years ago
      Who does the dusting, if any ?
    2. Eclector Eclector, 4 years ago
      I issue is sometimes I romanticize the dust and think it gives character..but then I watch hoarders where people save cat litter and it grounds me and I dust

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