Posted 4 years ago
(5053 items)
Does anyone know what this is a symbol of? It looks like an old symbol for navy or something like that. maybe a men's club or something like that. it's very heavy and has some age to it. any info appreciated!
Maltese Cross.
Nice swirling dolphins around the cross, great design & cool find ho2
I don't know but this one says it's for a car radiator? Not sure if that's right you'll have to do a little more research.
Maltese Cross was my first reaction, too...
Put Maltese Cross with Dolphins door knockers into your search engine to see the door knockers. Nice find!
yip,.. Congcu,your right on the mark..."-))
What a cool piece ! I love the dolphins :-)
I think the dolphins could be serpents. And the maker of this brass piece could be Mago - Portuguese.
Check out this search
Mago Portuguese brass scale
Correction this is the right search term:
"Solid Brass Maco Braga 19th Century Serpentine Balance Scale"
These scales where produced between 1880 - 1900 CA 1890 Portugal. Ca. 1890
Wow! thanks everybody. this was a good find!