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GM Hood Ornament?

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    Posted 4 years ago

    (8 items)

    This is a hood ornament found in a work shed of what used to be a small dairy farm. I have not found it in any data base for identifying hood ornaments. The red insert appears to be the same part used on 1949 and 1950 Chevrolets. All chrome parts fit perfectly and do not resemble any hood ornament parts that I have been able to find. I do not believe it to be home made. The ornament measures 9" long and 3 1/4" tall. Hoping someone can help identify its origin.

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    1. dav2no1 dav2no1, 4 years ago
      Is the hole threaded on the top there. In the right picture
    2. kodybalody715, 4 years ago
      I am not sure which hole you are referring to. There are four holes in this ornament and all are threaded. Hope this answers your question. Thanks
    3. kodybalody715, 4 years ago
      If you are referring to the large hole in bottom, that one is not. There is a light socket mounted inside.
    4. dav2no1 dav2no1, 4 years ago
      The top view.. towards the rear looks like there is a hole ..where maybe something else attached to this?
    5. kodybalody715, 4 years ago
      There is a threaded screw there to hold chrome.
    6. flashlarue flashlarue, 4 years ago
      Looks like a small boat running light
    7. dav2no1 dav2no1, 4 years ago
      I actually had that thought as well...
    8. kodybalody715, 4 years ago
      I think that may be a real possibility.
    9. kodybalody715, 4 years ago
      Thanks for your help. I am convinced it is a boat light.

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