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Stoneware crocks on an early bucket bench

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    Posted 4 years ago

    (389 items)

    here are some photos of my wife's stoneware crocks. They are located on display in our dining room, mostly on the old bucket bench that I found.
    Personally, I prefer the ovoid shaped crocks, like the one on the floor by itself.
    When we started collecting them, we would buy them, even if they were damaged. Now we look for undamaged only.
    They came down quite a bit in value since we started collecting them, and I told my wife that the only way that we don't loose any money on them is to only purchase flawless crocks. We now have several jugs, snuff jars, and storage crocks from the early to late 1800's.

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    1. kwqd kwqd, 4 years ago
      Nice crock collection.
    2. hotairfan hotairfan, 4 years ago
      Hi Ms.ChristalShip,
      I'd love to see the one that you recovered from the ocean bottom. Please post it.
      Stoneware crocks are still a valuable collectable. My wife and I have been collecting them from auctions for years now. Maybe it is the part of the country where you live and the quantity that you find in your area that one lives in that dictates the price. The ovoid crocks still command a very good price. They are among the oldest of crocks. Before canning, everything was stored in stoneware, from pickles (as you mother did) to snuff. You can't help wondering what history they survived to still be here today. Thank you for your interest.
    3. Elisabethan Elisabethan, 4 years ago
      They are all very nice. Where were they made?
    4. hotairfan hotairfan, 4 years ago
      Hi Elisibethan, they were all made on the east coast of the USA. New Brighton. PA , Oswego NY, Troy NY, and other towns.

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